In a devastating turn of events, Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, former stars of MTV’s “The Hills,” have lost their home to a wildfire that swept through their Pacific Palisades neighborhood in Los Angeles on January 7th. The couple, who were forced to evacuate as flames threatened their community, confirmed the destruction of their residence through emotional social media updates.
Spencer Pratt shared the grim news with his followers via Snapchat, posting a video while monitoring security camera footage that captured their home engulfed in flames. “Yikes, yikes, yikes, update I’m watching Our House burn down,” he stated, expressing the shock and heartbreak of the situation. Screenshots from the footage showed flames consuming their deck and children’s room, highlighting the severity of the blaze.
Heidi Montag also took to social media to provide updates on the situation, sharing a TikTok video earlier in the day where she confirmed that they had evacuated the area amid mandatory evacuation orders. “Right over our house, so please say some prayers for us,” she urged, as she packed their belongings and prepared to leave.
The fire was fueled by strong winds, prompting city and state officials to order evacuations for at least 30,000 residents across Southern California. Areas including Topanga, Malibu, and Pacific Palisades, known for their celebrity homes, were particularly affected as the blaze spread to nearly 3,000 acres.
Stephanie Pratt, Spencer’s sister, expressed her devastation in an Instagram story, reflecting on the impact of the fire on their family and neighbors. “I am beyond heartbroken for my brother, Heidi, and the kids, and to all our friends and neighbors who have lost their houses today,” she wrote. She revealed that their father attempted to save the home but was hindered by the fierce winds that made firefighting efforts nearly impossible.
As the fire continued to rage, many in the area watched helplessly from a distance, relying on security cameras to monitor the destruction of their properties. The community is now grappling with the aftermath of the wildfire, as families like the Pratts face the daunting task of recovery and rebuilding.
The situation remains critical, as firefighters work to contain the blaze and protect the surrounding neighborhoods. The emotional toll on those affected is immense, with countless residents displaced and homes lost in a matter of hours. As the Pratts and others navigate this challenging time, support and solidarity from the community will be crucial in the days ahead.